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About the Republican party


The RPMC (Republican Party of Milwaukee County) is becoming the flagship of the Republican movement in the great state of Wisconsin. We are a diverse group of members sharing the core principles of the Republican Party and the America First mission.  We help elect candidates that will best represent our American values. Please reach out to us and learn more about how you can make a difference today! 

We work with the following:

Republican Party of Wisconsin

RNC: Republican National Committee

College Republicans of America

Wisconsin Federation of College Republicans

Wisconsin Young Republicans

Milwaukee Young Republicans

Log Cabin Republicans of Milwaukee

National Federation of Republican Women

WI Federation of Republican Women

Republican Women of Greater Milwaukee

RPMC Structure

RPMC Officers/ Branches
Executive Committee of the (RPMC) Republican Party of Milwaukee County

RPMC Executive Committee – 17 members
Officers – 5 members
Branch chairs – 6 branches
Immediate Past Chair – 1 member
Member-At-Large – 3 members
Finance Chair – 1 member
Membership Chair – 1 member

Five officers:
Chairman: Hilario Deleon
1st Vice Chair: Brett Galaszewski
2nd Vice Chair: Christopher Lawrence
Secretary: Sandy Janzer
Treasurer: Darren Nelson

Six Branch Chairs:
Milwaukee North Branch: Orlando Owens
 Milwaukee South Branch: Mike Moeller
Northshore: Tom Meyer
Southwest Suburban: Dylan Pfaffenbach
Wauwatosa: Joel Richmond
West Allis/West Milwaukee: Christine Klug

Immediate Past Chair: David Karst

Three Members-At-Large:
Member-At-Large: Alyssa Rinelli
Member-At-Large: Inna Turner
Member-At-Large: Philip Siemik

Two Committee chairs on the Exec Board:
Finance: Doug Haag
Membership: John Graber, Jr.

Other Committees *
Constitution/ ByLaws: John Graber, Jr.

Elections, Committeemen & Poll workers: 

Candidate Vetting: Brett Galaszewski
Election Integrity: Brett Galaszewski

* Committees are staffed as needed

Election Commissioners

(are elected at the odd-year caucus after a presidential election.
City of Milwaukee Election Commissioner: Doug Haag
Milwaukee County Election Commissioner: Helmut Fritz
Wisconsin Election Commissioner: Bob Spindell

RPMC Calendar


RPMC (Republican Party of Milwaukee County)
801 S 108th St., West Allis, WI 53214
Our office hours are: Monday - Saturday 10am - 2pm
Call Us: (414)-897-7202

About the Republican party