Media Inquiries: 

For all Media Inquiries please email us at [email protected] or contact our office:

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RPMC Chairman Hilario Deleon on War Room with Steve Bannon

Restoring National Confidence Summit Las Vegas: Q/A with Charlie Kirk

TMJ4 News: The diverse voices in the Republican Party of Milwaukee County

WSAW-TV: MKE Debate Coverage & Interview With RPMC Chairman Hilario Deleon

Fox News 2nd Pre-Debate Panel with RPMC Chairman Hilario Deleon

Fox News Pre MKE Debate panel with RPMC Members

TMJ4 decision 2024: MKE Debate Interview with West Allis Branch Chair Keva Turner

TMJ4 decision 2024: MKE Debate Interview with Chairman Hilario Deleon

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WisGOP Statement on Appellate Court Rejecting Another Out-of-Touch Decision from Liberal Judge Susan Crawford

MADISON, Wis. — Last week, a Wisconsin Appellate Court rejected Susan Crawford’s attempt to block the Wisconsin Legislature from protecting the state’s separation of powers and holding Attorney General Josh Kaul accountable. The decision is the latest result of partisan Dane County Judge Susan Crawford and liberal elites, like her confidant Josh Kaul, scrambling to strike down laws they don’t like.

This is another instance of Democrats attempting to enlist their liberal majority on the Supreme Court to implement a partisan agenda. Susan Crawford’s initial decision was rooted in her partisan allegiance to Madison’s elites, and rejected for good reason. If Susan Crawford had it her way, the Attorney General would spend tax dollars without abandon. The voters can see clearly: Susan Crawford doesn’t care about them – she cares about the liberal special interests.” – WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming