Candidate Selection/ Recruitment
Before we can get Republicans elected, we need to help them circulate and fill out their Candidate Nomination Forms
Fall 2024 (Partisan)
Primary Election: Tuesday August 13, 2024
General Election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Run for Office!
If its going to be, it’s up to me!
We are always looking for candidates to run for local offices.
Don’t just get frustrated by what is happening in this country. Get involved on the ground level!
You would be shocked to find out how many liberals control local and county governments, school boards, and judicial positions in conservative areas. We need conservatives to replace these liberals and bring conservative values to local governments.
(SEE 20 Questions for a candidate (plus 10 more) below)
Candidate School — TBA
become a better candidate!
20 Questions for a candidate By Chuck Muth (plus 10 more)
All too many campaigns look at their prospects for winning on election day through rose-colored glasses and their high expectations just aren’t met with cold, hard reality. While you may “think” you’re on the right track and everything is “under control,” the truth is often the exact opposite.
With that in mind … and due to the fact that so many campaigns actively seek my financial support and or endorsement on a regular basis … I’ve developed a series of 20 questions that I use “to separate the men from the boys,” so to speak.
While I can’t tell you what the correct answers to these 20 questions are … they change from campaign to campaign and candidate to candidate … the mere exercise of going through these questions HONESTLY and OBJECTIVELY will give you a much better idea about whether or not you and your campaign are on the right track.
Donors ask these types of questions, in order to determine if your campaign has its act together and is worthy of financial support. So ignore these 20 Questions at your own peril.
1. What seat are you running for and where and when?
2. Why are you running?
3. What are your qualifications?
4. What campaign training programs have you attended?
5. How many votes do you need to win? (50.1% is sort of a correct answer. Really, how many voters are in your district? “Know Your District”)
6. What’s wrong with your opponent?
7. Are you willing to tell the voters what’s wrong with your opponent?
8. Generally describe the political & demographic make-up of your district?
9. What’s your “game plan” for winning?
10. What are you going to do differently from others who have run for this seat and lost?
11. How much will your campaign cost?
12. What will you spend the money on?
13. How much have you raised so far?
14. How much of your own money have you put into your campaign?
15. How do you expect to raise the balance?
16. Who is working on your campaign (manager, consultants, advisers, etc.)?
17. Who is supporting your campaign (endorsements)?
18. Are you going to campaign full time?
19. What are your top THREE issues? “Know What You Stand For”
20. What is your campaign’s web site address … and can you accept online contributions?
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Plus 10 more questions
Remember, as a conservative and a Republican, ANYTHING hidden in your past might be unearthed and broadcast. Any comment you make could be on the front page of tomorrow’s local paper or political blog.
Additional questions you might ask of your candidate:
21. Is your family, and especially your spouse, behind your candidacy?
22. Have you ever been arrested?
23. Have you ever had any tax problems?
24. Have you ever been involved in divorce, bankruptcy, or any other legal action, whether civil or criminal?
25. List all associations, groups or organizations that you belong to. Can any help you? Do any antagonize voters?
26. How are you going to get your message out? Door-to-door? Advertising? or??
27. How are you going to get volunteers?
28. What is your campaign schedule?
29. What is your campaign budget?
30. A campaign needs the following three things: Time, Money and Volunteers. What do you have? What are you missing?
P.S. Some of the above questions, while personal, are in the category of “Know Your Candidate”. Remember, when running for public office, ANYTHING in your life COULD become public. Your supporters do not want any “landmines” exploding three days before Election Day. Fore-warned is fore-armed. BE PREPARED!
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